Thursday, March 5, 2020

Five things English majors should do this fall - TutorNerds

Five things English majors should do this fall - TutorNerds Tips From a Los Angeles English Tutor: Five things English majors should do this fall Thousands of college students will decide to major in English because it leads to so many different career fields that specialize in research and writing. Students who choose this course subject as their major field of study should be prepared to do a few things this fall, so they are on track for graduation and get a foot in the door to the job or company that interests them most our private Los Angeles English tutors are here to help you succeed. 1. Take a prerequisite All English majors will need to take a series of prerequisites before they can move on to courses within their chosen subfield. Prerequisites, such as English 1A or English 101, are very popular and taken by general education students as well as English majors, meaning the courses fill up fast. Students should take a look through the course requirement handbook or meet with an academic counselor to make sure theyre taking all of the prerequisites available during the fall term. Otherwise, students may have to wait until the next fall and possibly delay graduation in order to get into required courses (READ: 4 Reasons to get an Irvine Back-to-School tutor). 2. Apply for an internship English majors should definitely consider applying for an internship with a company that interests them. This is one of the best ways for students majoring in a broad field to figure out how they will specifically put their new skills to use. Completing an internship will help college students determine their strengths and weaknesses and what they want to be doing for the next 30 years or so. Internships also look great on a student resume and help new adults develop professionalism so they can be a contributing member of any workplace. 3. Meet with an English professor English professors serve as a great resource for students who want to know about the career field as well as the classes available to them. English is an incredibly broad major and students might end up as a writer or editor, a teacher, a researcher, or working at a corporate office. English professors can give tons of valuable insight to students who are willing to reach out. Even if a student doesnt know exactly what they want to do for their whole life, they will gain a ton of skills by taking advanced level English courses. 4. Read! It may seem obvious that English majors will be reading a lot but its also important that they read a certain number of books considered to be great literature. There are tons of texts on the Great Books list that students will never get to know about in their high school English courses. Students can consult a professor, teaching assistant, or even just do some online research in order to find out which novels will best push their knowledge to the next level. Students who are well-versed in famous authors and titles will be more likely to excel in their classes and improve their reading comprehension to a point that is expected of an English language expert. 5. Join a club or society for English majors One of the best ways for students to network and get career ideas is to join one of their on-campus societies or clubs geared towards English majors. This gives underclassmen, especially, an opportunity to learn from their more experienced peers, get recommendations on classes and professors, get a foot in the door in the career field, and enjoy being around like-minded people. Most college campuses will have several organizations geared towards people who love English and literature and will provide an opportunity for students to socialize and have fun in addition to focusing on academics. Finally, our experienced Los Angeles English tutors are here to help you succeed in your courses. Call us today to learn more. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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